6 Things JLo Does to Look This Good at 54 featured image

6 things JLo does that make her look great at 54

If there’s one person who always comes to mind first when we think of the epitome of ageless glamour, it’s the one and only Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer, Jello, Jenny from the Block – The multi-talented dancer, singer and actress goes by many names and an incredible number of wears and hats. From mother to entrepreneur to global superstar, JLO truly does it all, and she does it looking flawless. As she celebrates her 54th birthday today, here’s a look back at the beauty and fitness secrets Lopez has shared with us over the years.

She prefers to sleep

We all know that sleep is essential to a healthy life, and JLo has been quite vocal about how important sleep is to her beauty and fitness routine. In a 2022 YouTube video, the singer explained that she considers sleep to be one of her “biggest beauty secrets.” But, the road to good sleep was a rocky one.

“There was a time in my life when I used to sleep 3 to 5 hours a night. I’ll be on set all day and in the studio all night and on weekends I’ll be junketing and shooting videos,” Lopez explained. people. “I was in my late 20s and I thought I was invincible.” But, after a debilitating panic attack, Lopez sought medical help and changed her entire lifestyle. “I asked the doctor if I was going crazy. He said, ‘No, you are not crazy. You need sleep…get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, don’t drink caffeineAnd make sure you get your workouts in if you’re going to work out that much.'”

She never skimps on SPF

On Instagram last April, Jello shared that SPF is transformative in her skin and beauty routine. “Sunscreen is really important and has been one of my beauty secrets since I was in my late teens, early twenties,” she says. “Your mom puts it on you when you’re a baby to protect your skin from the sun, and I continued it into adulthood, and it was a game-changer.” The singer went on to explain how “protection, every day protection from the sun — even though some days when I was growing up it wasn’t sunny in New York — made a huge difference in protecting me from environmental and sun damage.”

She keeps herself active

Of all the celebrities out there, Lopez has to have the most sought-after workout routine. Although regular strength training, home workouts and intense cardio have all appeared on the star’s Instagram, and her personal trainers have commented on the artist’s no-fuss workout routine—”She trains about an hour, four to five times a week, focusing on a different body part each time… until everything hurts and we hit every single part,” Romer said. oprah-Lopez sees movement as more than just physical activity.

“Dance has always been a big part of my life and taking time to move my body and do something that feels good to me is key to my happiness,” explained Jello. Sat Sri Akal! In 2016. When my confidence is low, I dance,” she added. “There’s something about what my body is capable of and feeling the endorphin rush that comes with a good dance session that really helps boost my confidence and my mood. I still consider myself a dancer at heart and I love it.

She focuses on balance and nutrition

After her workout routine, Jello’s diet is another hot topic among fans, and the star’s perspective on food is one that focuses on balance. “Over the years I have learned the importance of maintaining a healthy diet,” explained Lopez. people Back in 2015. “I still eat some of the foods I like, but in moderation. I do not deprive myself.” The star’s trainers have also weighed in on her diet, with Romero explaining that “she stays away from processed foods and gets her nutrients from whole sources.” In addition, JLO’s former personal trainer, Tracy Anderson explained people that the mother of two prefers “all organic with a balance of very high quality protein and lots of nutrient-dense foods…”

She has a tried and true skin-care routine

As anyone knows, JLo’s eponymous skin-care brand, JLo Beauty, has made quite an impact on the beauty industry since its launch in 2021. The star credits her glowing skin to her trusted lineup of products from the brand, and has gone public with what she uses daily to make sure her skin is being taken care of. Although she loves all the products in her line, the ones she doesn’t go a day without indulging Hit Single Gel Cream Cleanser ($38), That big screen broad spectrum SPF 30 moisturizer ($54), and That fresh take eye cream ($48). For JLO, skin care is the cornerstone of a solid beauty routine. “You can wear all the makeup in the world, [but] If you’re unhappy, if your skin isn’t healthy… you can’t cover it up.

She has a positive attitude

At the end of the day, no amount of products or exercise can ensure we’re looking and feeling our best—it has to come from within, and JLo wholeheartedly agrees. The singer has revealed on several occasions that affirmations are a key part of her morning routine. She shared on Instagram last year that she completes her morning routine with words that “feed her soul.” Sometimes, Lopez pulls affirmations from a 52-card deck she keeps in her bathroom. “I am young and eternal. I tell myself every day, a few times a day,” she explains, “that sounds like clichéd bull****, but it’s not: age is in your head. Look at Jane Fonda.

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