5 Anti-Aging Facial Yoga Exercises You Can Do at Home

5 Anti-Aging Facial Yoga Exercises You Can Do at Home

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  • So you’ve perfected your downward dog pose, but did you know that anti-aging facial yoga can also give chubby cheeks and full brows a lift? The idea behind is that you can help thicken the muscles to give your features a little extra ‘padding’ to lift them up.

    A face yoga expert says, ‘By working all the layers of your skin properly, facial massage at home can also increase blood circulation, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach the skin cells. Daniel Collins. ‘The result is a clear complexion with a healthy glow thanks to fewer toxins.’

    Collins recommends that you do facial yoga for 20 minutes six times a week. It may seem like a lot, but you’ll see results in no time.

    ‘Everybody’s face is different, so the time to see changes varies from person to person,’ she says. ‘As a general rule, you should start to see long-term improvements to your face and neck after a fortnight.

    ‘After two to four months, benefits include fewer fine lines and less tension.’

    Below are five anti-aging face yoga exercises Daniel Collins Face Yoga MEa bit To get you started. To avoid pulling or pulling your skin, be sure to apply products that are slightly slippery first, such as the best face serums or facial oils.

    Anti-Aging Facial Yoga for Eyes: Also

    Good for:

    Droopy eyelids, crow’s feet, eye bags and swelling.

    Alternative to: Botox and eye surgery.

    Step 1

    Press both middle fingers together on the inner corner of the eyebrows, then with the index fingers, apply pressure to the outer corners of the eyebrows.

    Step 2

    Look up at the ceiling, and lift the skin under the eyes upward in a firm squint, and then relax.

    Step 3

    Repeat six more times and finish with eyes tightly closed for 10 seconds.

    Anti-Aging Facial Yoga for Cheeks: Smile Smoother

    Good for: Cheek lines and sagging skin.

    Alternative to: Lower face lift and fillers.

    Step 1

    Make an ‘O’ shape with the mouth, hiding the teeth with your lips.

    Step 2

    Smile widely while hiding the teeth and repeat six times.

    Step 3

    Next, hold the smile shape while placing an index finger on the chin. Then start moving the jaw up and down as the head slowly tilts back. Rest and repeat two more times.

    Face yoga

    Anti-Aging Facial Yoga For Forehead: Smooth the forehead

    Good for: Horizontal forehead lines.

    Alternative to: botox

    Step 1

    Place both hands on the forehead facing inwards and spread all the fingers between the eyebrows and hairline.

    Step 2

    Using light pressure to tighten the skin, gently sweep the fingers outwards from the forehead.

    Step 3

    Rest and repeat 10 times.

    Face yoga

    Anti-aging facial yoga for brows: Flirty Eyes

    Good for: Deep eye sockets and drooping eyebrows.

    Alternative to: Eyebrow lift.

    Step 1

    Place an index finger under each eye, pointing toward the nose.

    Step 2

    Hide the teeth and make an ‘O’ with your mouth.

    Step 3

    Fluff the upper eyelids while looking up at the ceiling for 30 seconds.

    Face yoga

    Anti-Aging Facial Yoga for Chin and Neck: the giraffe

    Good for: Lines and loose skin on the neck.

    Alternative to: Neck or jowl lift.

    Step 1

    Looking straight ahead, place fingertips at the base of the neck and lightly stroke the skin downward while tilting the head back.

    Step 2

    Bring the head back to the chest and repeat two more times.

    Step 3

    Finally, stick out the bottom lip as much as possible to pull the corners of the mouth down. Place your fingers on the collarbone with the chin pointing up. Hold for four deep breaths.

    Face yoga


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